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Want more free stuff?
Just follow us on whatnot to get great free stuff and score some of the best buys around....Bananas!!!!!!!
We are a small group of people that love to have fun and love to see everyone smile and have a great day.
Well we do a lot, we have a ton of different segments that will be popping up soon. We will have videos pictures and blogs popping up on social media platforms like YouTube, Tik Tok, Facebook, Instagram and more.
We make different kinds of videos. Funny skits, collectible reviews and openings, crazy custom builds, treasure hunting videos (like yard sales, storage units and thrift stores)as well as hitting the public and interacting with you guys to give you gifts and prizes....
Why should you watch our videos?
If for nothing else to help us and get free stuff. That's right we are all about giving away tons of goody's. So what is it that we will be giving away? Well we will be giving away all kinds of things including cash. We have tons of collectibles and antiques to give a way in our different segments, as well as so many surprises coming up in the near future. Remember we are new and just getting started the BIGGER we get the more we GIVE......
How do you get free stuff from us?
OK that's simple. LIKE, FOLLOW and SHARE us on our social media outlets, yes it will benefit you to do so on more then one. We will be giving out random gifts to people on all our different social Medea outlets and have random entries for people that LIKE, SHARE and FOLLOW US on more the one. Trust me you don't want to be left out!!!!
Monkeying Around TV

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